If you share our vision that natural and healthy hair treatments are fundamental, Zerran education is a must. We are keen to share our knowledge about the science of hair and how our products relate with one another.

In our lab, specially selected combinations of botanically based natural ingredients, natural conditioners, and proper chemistry of hair care, aka pH, are applied to our products. Zerran Hair Care products are formulated and marketed for the professional salon environment. A number of complementary products are also offered for client use, following salon visits. The goal is a care regimen that promotes healthy and natural hair.

Our Professional Services products represent innovations that will change the way you think and the way you “do”. We believe it is never too late to open your mind, learn new techniques, improve your skills, and become a better master of your time and art. Isn’t this why you love this industry?


Color Melt Class

Barstow Community College 2700 Barstow Rd, Barstow, CA

This is a private hands-on color melting technique class for a cosmetology school. If you would like to have a class at your school, please contact info@zerranhaircare.com to set something up!
